Playing the Duke's Mistress by Eliza Redgold

Playing the Duke's Mistress by Eliza Redgold

Author:Eliza Redgold
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2016-09-15T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Eleven

Calista, now be wary.

Nicholas Rowe: The Fair Penitent (1703)

‘Calista!’ Mabel’s squeal pierced Calista’s ear as she descended the marble staircase.

In the vast entrance hall below she saw the butler wince as Mabel rushed over to her and squealed once more. ‘Oh, look at us. From the stage of the Prince’s Theatre all the way to Albury Hall! Whoever would have thought?’

A wave of Mabel’s floral perfume engulfed her as they embraced.

Calista smiled. She’d not revealed to her friend her own hand in Mabel’s invitation. ‘It’s lovely to see you, Mabel. You look beautiful this evening.’

Her friend preened. ‘Yellow’s my colour, that’s what Herbert said when he gave me my lovely fur. So when I saw this yellow silk in a shop window on Bond Street, I said, “Oh, Herbie, wouldn’t you love to see me in that gown?” And so he made me a present of it.’

‘You look very fine.’ Gold and diamonds sparkled in the crevice of Mabel’s deep-cut, ruffled gown, Calista noted. ‘And that’s a beautiful necklace.’

Mabel’s fingers played with it as she released a huge sigh. ‘It’s only a necklace. Not a ring. I don’t know what’s happened to my Herbie. He was all ready to propose, then...’ She snapped her fingers. ‘Something changed his mind. I don’t know what it was, though I have some idea. Still, we’re here now. That’s a good sign.’ She tucked her arm into Calista’s and glanced about the hall. ‘Where do we go? There are so many doors.’

The butler opened the door to the drawing room. ‘This way. The gentlemen are still in the drawing room, I believe. The bell for dinner will be rung at eight.’

He opened the door to the drawing room. Chandeliers of fat white candles lit the room to a blaze. Thick green-velvet curtains framed the mullioned windows. The long room was half-panelled in wood and paintings, mostly of men and women Calista presumed were Carlyle ancestors, overlooked her and Mabel as they made their way across the patterned carpet.

Darius stood by the fireplace, dressed in his long-tailed dinner jacket and a pristine white shirt. He spun around as they entered.

Calista’s heart thumped so hard she put her hand to the rose at her décolletage. Her reaction to this man almost frightened her as he crossed the room to greet her. His gaze went instantly to the rose, then to her eyes.

As they looked at each other Calista felt as if his lips were once again on her own.

A moment passed between them.

A question. Her answer.

His smile.

His glance glided to where her fingers touched the rose petals. ‘So you received the gift from my garden?’

She nodded. ‘Thank you. They’re beautiful.’

He shrugged and gave a taut smile. ‘It’s not a ruby bracelet.’

‘I’m very glad of it. You know I like flowers best.’

‘I believe I’ve come to prefer them, too.’ The tautness of his smile relaxed. ‘Was all to your satisfaction in your bedroom?’

She nodded. How he could think the lovely wallpapered room might not meet her approval she couldn’t imagine.


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